Kidlit, curiosity, & magic!

Hi, I’m Rachael: fantasy novelist, mom to 5, and recovering perfectionist who’s learning wonder through living this beautiful, hard life.

I’m adding stories to the world: stories to grow hearts, humor, and community.

If you love learning, questions, and a life filled with metaphors, you’re in the right place: let’s grow curious together.

an e-letter on growing curious one word at a time

kidlit in progress

The Magic of Quintry

a middle-grade (ages 8-13) fantasy quintet where magic explores the hidden heart-truths of self-kindness and love for community

original fairy tales and
for ages 8 to 13 and beyond

grow curious with the kids in your life this FREE printable minibook includes seven micro-stories and questions to inspire connection


Rachael loves magic with a deep heart.

She studied English literature and broadcast, but her fondness for Austen, Dickinson, and Cowper never swept her away quite like the earliest authors in her life. Redwall, Winding Circle, and Hogwarts. Narnia and the Lower Elements. Books were her best friends.

While journeying in adulthood, Rachael is finding freedom through counseling and exploring the depths and dignity of her own life story.

She’s a wife, a mom to five, and an erstwhile copy editor who still loves talking commas.

Also, baking, crafting, and autumn days.

a two-minute letter to the curious and weary

The latest words of wonder e-letter:

savoring the little things @thishalfacre